
The CSIA is pleased to announce the hiring of Viktoria Bortkiewicz-Hamelin, as Manager of Membership Experience, starting July 15, 2024.

The opportunity of the CSIA’s 85th anniversary is good reason to update our members on the status of and developments in our venerable organization’s affiliations with the many sport instructor organizations operating both domestically and internationally.

The CSIA is pleased to announce the appointment of Jason Young to the newly created position of Products and Education Manager effective May 1, 2024.

The Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance (CSIA) is pleased to announce that Nigel Loring, who joined the CSIA in November as Senior Director of Operations and Education, is now moving into the role of Managing Director, effective immediately.

The CSIA is thrilled to announce that Betsy Linnell has been appointed to the newly created position of Program Manager.

The CSIA is happy to share that PSIA-AASI / Vail have been selected to host the 2027 Interski Congress.

On behalf of myself and our Regional EPCs and RACs, I want to start with a thank you to you, our
Members, for your efforts in keeping everyone safe as we continued to operate through last season. We
could not have done it without you!