
The CSIA continues to promote ongoing education through its Scholarship Program. Financial assistance is made available to aspiring full-time and part-time Ski Instructors that have unmistakably demonstrated their commitment to the sport of skiing and have distinguished themselves by their initiative and involvement in their Snow School. The Scholarship Program offers an incredible opportunity to support your growth through our system, so take advantage of this opportunity and apply! 

The National Scholarship Program in funded through voluntary contributions received from CSIA Members at large. A number of our six Regional Boards have also allocated significant resources to scholarship awards.

The 2023-2024 Scholarship application deadline date is January 31st, 2024.

The CSIA Scholarship Program grants selected applicants with a one-time use promo code, applicable on one or more Certification Programs of their choice, up to a value of $500 ($1000 when applied towards the Level 4 Academy). All Certification Pathway Programs are eligible, excluding the Level 4 Academy Selection Camp and Exam.

The Candidate must:

  • be a Regular Member in good standing (renewed membership) with the CSIA. Newly certified members in 2023-2024 are not eligible;
  • include a summary of their involvement and dedication within their Snow School, including any specific achievements or recognitions received and outline their career objectives within the Ski Industry;
  • include a letter of recommendation from their Snow School Director;
  • clearly demonstrate financial need;
  • send their Scholarship application request as per the deadlines announced;
  • mention the Certification Program(s) name, location and date they are applying for;
  • to apply for the Scholarship, please login to your profile, go to the Member Area tab, then select Scholarship Application from the drop-down menu.

The Scholarships shall be awarded based on the following criteria:

  • all of the above-mentioned information has been submitted;
  • priority will be given to full-time seasonal and part-time Ski Instructors whose sole revenues come from ski instruction;
  • the Scholarship will be valid until June 30th, 2024;
  • only one Scholarship, will be granted per Member in a three (3) year period.
  • the Scholarship request is subject to space availability at the time of registration.

Selection Process and communication:

  • the CSIA Selection Committee will be responsible for the selection of the Candidates.
  • all Candidates will be notified of the Selection Committee’s decision within 2 weeks of the deadline by email, by telephone or by other means deemed adequate.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at should you have any questions.

The Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance (“CSIA”) is the professional ski teaching body in Canada. It trains and certifies ski instructors to better serve partners, such as Snow Schools and therefore contributing to the growth of the industry and enjoyment for the skiing public.

As the leader in the profession of ski instruction, the CSIA develops a safe and positive guest experience, a progressive approach and sets national standards in ski teaching.

The CSIA is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse work environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. 


Membership Service Agent

The CSIA is looking to fill the permanent full-time position of Membership Service Agent. If you
thrive in a fast-paced environment, enjoy problem-solving, and helping others, don’t miss this
opportunity to join a team of dedicated and passionate CSIA staff that serve a vibrant and
evolving community in the ski industry.
This position will:

* Be pivotal to the members satisfaction and engagement. 
* Enable you to build relationships and to service members and partners. 
* Showcase your customer service, organizational and multitasking skills.

Interested? Don’t miss this opportunity to become an integral part of this great organization.
Click here for a complete job description and please forward your resumé to
Contact: Sandra Turek at for questions.
Applications will be received until July 31, 2024




Payment declined – Paiement refusé

Your payment has unfortunately been declined by your financial institution. No reason is provided to the CSIA so we invite you to contact your institution for more information.


You may also attempt the transaction again.

For Memberhip renewal, click here.

For Program registration, click here.


Votre paiement a malheureusement été refusé par votre institution financière. Aucune raison n’est fournie à l’AMSC alors nous vous invitons à contacter votre institution pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements.


Vous pouvez également tenter la transaction à nouveau.

Pour l’inscription à un programme: veuillez cliquer ici

Pour le renouvellement d’une cotisation: veuillez cliquer ici

Coming soon

À venir

À venir

À venir

À venir

À venir

Veuillez utiliser le bouton gris situé dans la page d’accueil, sous l’espace de connexion, pour accéder temporairement à votre profil de formateur dans l’ancien portail. Au cours des prochains mois, votre profil complet de formateur s’affichera dans votre Zone membre sur le site Restez à l’affût!

À venir



Q: Comment peut-on trouver du travail en tant que moniteur de ski au Canada?

R: Dans notre site Internet, consultez la section Emplois pour obtenir l’affichage des postes par région. Cliquez ici pour consulter tous les postes.


Q: Comment afficher un poste pour mon école de neige?

R: Si vous êtes directeur ou administrateur d’une école de neige, veuillez accéder à votre page d’école de neige et cliquer sur le bouton Gérer les affichages. Si vous n’avez pas de nom d’usager et de mot de passe, cliquez ici afin de nous faire parvenir ce qui suit :

  • Nom de l’école de neige
  • Adresse postale
  • Adresse électronique
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Numéro de télécopieur
  • Nom de la personne-ressource incluant le courriel et numéro de téléphone

The mandate of the Office of the Ombuds (the “Ombuds Office”) is to assist in the informal resolution of concerns and complaints related to the application of CSIA policies, rules, and procedures, ensuring that all members of the CSIA community are treated in a fair and equitable manner within the CSIA. The ombuds office is independent, confidential, impartial and accountable. (click here to read the complete function and description of the ombuds office)

The Ombuds Office strives to promote a fair, respectful, inclusive, and supportive culture within the CSIA.

What we can do

  • Provide information, advice, coaching, and/or referrals to resolve complaints or issues
  • Facilitate discussions to resolve concerns or complaints
  • Conduct independent and impartial fact-finding /investigations
  • Formulate and submit individual or systemic formal recommendations to remedy an identified injustice or inequality
  • Act as a mediator facilitator to resolve a conflict and build bridges towards solutions when communication is poor

What we cannot do

  • Intervene if you have not exhausted all internal administrative remedies or in an ongoing internal administrative proceeding
  • Provide legal advice or act as a representative
  • Reverse a decision or impose a decision.
  • Intervention/case review is not possible when the community member has already exercised recourse before a court or an administrative tribunal or formal notice

Who can use the services:

Members of the CSIA community include employees, course conductors, members and volunteers serving on committees (of the CSIA or its regions).

The services are provided in English and in French

Contact CSIA Ombuds office by

Telephone: 1-800-811-6428 ext.113

Email us at csiaamscombuds(at)

Click here to complete and submit the intake form.

Who we are

Julie Boncompain

A lawyer in practice for the last 21 years who has developed expertise in dispute prevention and resolution (DRP) as well as conflict management in the areas of education, labor and business law.

Currently Co-founder of JustEquitable since 2021, acting as the Protector of Rights (Ombudsman) at Polytechnique Montréal since 2020, ombudsman for the research center in artificial intelligence-Mila in Montreal and has undertaken mediation and arbitration mandates for non-profit organizations, private and para-public companies as a consultant. She is on the Executive Committee of the Association of Canadian College and University Ombudspersons (ACCUO) since 2019 and chairs the Association des ombudsman en enseignement supérieur du Québec(AOESQ) since 2020.

Brent Epperson

Brent is an Assistant Professor of Conflict Studies at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario, and a practicing ombuds in Europe and North America. Co-founder of JustEquitable since 2021, his public policy focuses on ombuds practice, public governance (health and higher education sectors), and issue framing. He has served as the first ombuds role at the University of Luxembourg since 2021 and previously works as an ombuds at the University of Alberta.

What are our values?

  • Collaboration
  • Prevention
  • Active listening

How we operate?

We ensure the office respects the following principles:


  • The Ombuds operates independently from the organization. Annual reports are presented to the Board
  • The Ombuds is not aligned with CSIA management or any particular business or operational unit of CSIA


  • The Ombuds is impartial, does not take sides and promotes fairness
  • The ombuds reviews facts objectively, without any bias for or against the issue under review


  • The Ombuds operates informally whenever possible to resolve concerns
  • The ombuds will decline to participate in or give evidence to any formal adjudicative or administrative processes related to concerns brought to its attention


  • The Ombuds will deal with matters in confidence manner at all times. Unless there is an imminent risk of serious harm to oneself, to the community member or others that make disclosure necessary in accordance with ombuds best practices.

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Please use the grey button located on the homepage below the Login area, to access your Course Conductor Profile temporarily in the old portal. In the next months ahead your full CC Profile will appear here in your Member Area on Stay tuned.

My Professional Information


How does the Pro Deals Program work?

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The CSIA Pro Deal Program is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. All Pro Deal purchases with our Sponsors should be done only for you, the Member. This program is a privilege offered to you and purchases made for friends and family will jeopardize the program access for all CSIA Members, and action will be taken.

The CSIA Pro Deals Program is open to all active CSIA Members in good standing.

Each CSIA Member is entitled to 1 (one) set of Pro Deal equipment per season purchased in Canada. Your downloadable Membership Card (from My Profile) is equipped with an image for items that may be purchased through the Pro Deals Program. Your card will be validated at the time of purchase, so please assure that you present your valid Membership card on your smartphone or printed out at the time of purchase, otherwise your order will be refused.

There is no deadline to purchase your equipment (details below). However, stock is limited so first come, first served.


How do I purchase my equipment?


The CSIA Pro Deals Program varies depending on the manufacturer. Some will direct you to their online store and others will provide you with a PDF order form. For those who provide a PDF, you can either place your order directly with the manufacturer or you can present yourself in a participating retailer in Canada with the PDF form and your virtual Membership card.

Unfortunately the CSIA National Office is not provided with a list of the many different retailers across Canada that participate in the Program. We strongly suggest giving your local retailer a call and speak with a Manager to inquire whether or not they participate in the CSIA Pro Deals Program.

Please be friendly and very respectful of the staff at the participating retail store as they are providing CSIA Instructors with a service. If you have clients looking to purchase equipment, recommend the store where you bought your Pro Deal equipment, to return the service.

The CSIA National Office acts as the liaison for the manufacturer. If you have questions regarding products, pricing, etc., please contact the specific manufacturer or a participating retail store that carries the brand of your interest.



Pro Sessions - Pro Days - Pro Day Camps

The CSIA is excited to offer you customizable training opportunities with Pro Days, Pro Day Camps, and Pro Sessions!

Pro Sessions

Pro Sessions are a “half day” (2.5 hours on snow) providing a quick hit of ski specific training in a shorter time frame if the full day Pro Day doesn’t fit your regular schedule. Watch for AM and PM sessions as well as evening training opportunities where night skiing is available!  Like Pro Days, Pro Sessions are offered for registration according to certification level and include L1 – L4 and Snow Park!

Pro Days and Pro Day Camps

Pro Days offer full day (4.5 hours on snow) training opportunities for advancement of your skiing and teaching skills based on your certification level, your personal aspirations and where you are in your own journey. Looking for some additional help with your skiing before your Level 2 Exam? Perhaps some more insight into designing tasks for advanced skiers?  Or maybe you need a bit of guidance as you set your sights on the Level 4 Academy.  Whatever your needs, Pro Days with a CSIA Course Conductor is the vehicle for you!  In addition to Pro Days designed for Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 Members, you will find Pro Days focused on developing skills for Trainers, Intro to Snow Park, Women In Skiing and Learner Considerations.

Enhance your training experience with multi-day Pro Day Camps of 2 or more consecutive days of focus and expanding your skill set!


Find Pro Sessions, Pro Days and Pro Day Camps in the Events and Search and Register sections of

Pro Sessions and Pro Days qualify as Membership Recall programs for existing members and you can take part in as many as you like each season.

Find the following Pro Days programs across the country.

Pro Day - Level 1
(if you are a Level 1 or Snowpark Certified instructor, this one is for you!)

Description :
Develop your know-how and performance on your way to Level 2!

  • Skiing Skill development
  • Collaborative Teaching Approach – tactics for creating learning environments
  • Physics of Skiing – why and how skiing works!
  • Skiing varied terrain and snow conditions

Objectives :

Grow your toolbox and knowledge. Build a clear training plan towards your personal objectives and the standards of the Level 2 Certification.

  • How to work with the Collaborative Teaching Approach
  • Development and consolidation of your skiing skills
  • Reflection on your personal objectives and goal setting

Prerequisites :

  • Level 1 OR Snow Park Certification completed
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing

Pro Day - Level 2
(if you are a Level 2 Certified instructor, this one is for you!)

Description :
Work in a Collaborative Teaching environment to develop your skiing and teaching skills. Develop your skiing in groomed and varied snow conditions and practice assessment and development tactics aimed at intermediate to advanced skiers.

**Bumps and ungroomed terrain may be used as learning tools.

Objectives :

  • Assess skiing skills and understand how to use terrain and snow conditions to aid in skill development.
  • Skill development (rotational control, edging control, pressure control) at varied speeds and turn shapes
  • Reflection on your personal objectives

Prerequisites :

  • Level 2 certification completed
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing

Pro Day - Level 3
(if you are a Level 3 Certified instructor, this one is for you!)

Description :
Collaborate with your Course Conductor as they help you refine fundamentals and develop strategies and tactics for advanced to expert skiing. Jump into varied terrain and turn shapes as you set your sights on the top certification of the CSIA.
**Bumps and ungroomed terrain may be used as learning tools.

Objectives :

  • Identify the performance criterias for joining the Level 4 Academy
  • Evaluate the decision making process based on abilities and terrain
  • How to create a positive experience for the participant.
  • Reflection on personal objectives

Prerequisites :

  • Level 3 completed
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing

Pro Day - Level 4
(if you are a Level 4 Certified instructor, this one is for you!)

Description :
Created for all Level 4 members, this session aims to explore new possibilities and develop your skiing, teaching and Course Conducting Skills as well as provide networking and opportunities to expand depth of knowledge and creativity around the CSIA core concepts.

Objectives :

  • Develop your expert skiing skills and demonstrations.
  • Maximize skier performance through decision making and mechanics, in all situations
  • Work in a Collaborative environment with your peers.
  • Keep it simple to meet your goals

Prerequisites :

  • Level 4 certification, or selected into the Level 4 Academy
  • Regular membership, in good standing

Pro Day – Trainer
If you are Level 3 or Level 4 certified instructor who wants to further your professional development, as CSIA Course Conductor, or as trainer in your snow  snow school, this one is for you!)

Description :
Explore efficient and safe development strategies for the learner. Design clear and efficient A&D methods.

Objectives :

  • Apply the Collaborative Teaching Approach concept
  • Understand the trainer’s role (listen, interact, demonstrate)
  • Recognize how movements affect performance for all level of skiers
  • Recognize how terrain variation affects skills development

Prerequisites :

  • Level 3 certification completed
  • Having an interest in the trainer’s role, in your snow school or with the CSIA
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing.


Pro Day – Snow Park Intro  (if you are looking to broaden your skills and knowledge in the park environment as a snow sports professional, this one is for you!) 
Description : 
This session provides development of snow park skills at any level of snow park experience The Course Conductor will guide learners safely through the development of tricks on appropriate park features to challenge everyone in the group at their own skill level and model how to develop students using open skilled tactics. 


Objectives : 

  • Create and maintain a safe learning environment 
  • Use open tactics as a development approach for all skill abilities 
  • Use the terrain features as a teaching tool 
  • Understand the park environment and its etiquette 

Prerequisites : 

  • Level 1 OR Snow Park Certification completed
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing 
  • *All-mountain or twin-tip skis are highly recommended.  race skis not recommended * 


Pro Day – Women In Skiing
(taught by Women, for Women!)


Description :
This program is offered in two different formats:

Pro Day – Women In Skiing (1-day)

The Pro Day - WIS is for all those that identify as female to come and join in on a day not just for ski improvement (we’ll do that of course!) but also for something else. There is just something special that happens when a group of women ski together. The support and encouragement to expand your comfort zone results in a super fun day that leaves you with new friends, mentors, and a feeling of accomplishment. Women of all levels are welcomed, and an effort will be made to form groups of similar ability levels or interests. Themes that are explored are potential gender differences, motivation and leadership. Please come join us and see why a WIS day is so impactful and inspiring.

Look out for special Pro Day – Women In Skiing “Teen Nights” sessions which will be offered at some urban resorts and are tailored for members 14-25 years old.

Pro Day Camp – Women in Skiing Summit (3-day Camp)
All the WIS Pro Day offers and more! 3 days with a group and coach that will inspire you to reach your next goal. Whether it is to gain more confidence off piste, increase speed and performance, learn from a coach that moves more like you, or simply just meet an amazing group of people, the WIS camp will exceed your expectations in all areas. Camps typically include ski improvement on and off piste, optional brush training, speakers, and social events where possible. All ages, all abilities welcome. Do this week for you. You deserve it!

Objectives :

  • Provide a unique opportunity for those that identify as women to ski together and learn in a supportive, inspiring atmosphere.
  • Provide the environment to create friendships and mentoring opportunities in our membership.

Prerequisites :

  • Identify as female
  • Level 1 OR Snow Park Certification completed
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing

Target audience :

Members who identify as female of all ages, abilities and perspectives.

Pro Day – Learner Considerations
(If you are wishing to deepen your knowledge and tool box of student-centered teaching methods)

Description :
Explore biomechanical and psychological differences between learners. The Course Conductor will expose you to varied teaching approaches, based learner’s needs and realities.

Objectives :

  • Recognize biological and psychological differences between learners of all type
  • Adapt your teaching strategies in considerations of learners’ limitations and differences.

Prerequisites :

  • Level 1 OR Snow Park Certification completed
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing

Pro Day – Snow School Custom
(If you are a Snow School Director, contact your regional EPC to arrange!)

The CSIA is committed to working directly with Snow Schools to assist in development of their staff, when and where possible. Let us work directly with you to design a Pro Day that fits your Snow School’s needs.

Prerequisites :

  • Level 1 OR Snow Park Certification completed
  • Regular or Affiliate membership, in good standing
  • Snow School Staff

Search for Pro Days, click here.


Quick Access:

National WIS-Women in Skiing

Regional Atlantic Québec Ontario

Central Alberta British Columbia





National Events

Pro Days Camp Across the Country

New Pro Days Camp will frequently be added to the schedule throughout the season. Search for Pro Days Camp on the Search and Register page to view all listings.

Pro Days Camp - Spring Fling series

Mont-Ste-Anne – April 6-7
English session - click here
Français - cliquez ici

Pin Rouge – April 6-7
English session - click here
Français - cliquez ici

Big White – April 13-14

Marmot Basin – April 13-14




WIS - Women in Skiing

The Women in Skiing Committee exists to increase the number of people that identify as female in our organization, especially in leadership roles and the higher levels of certification.

The following Events have two purposes:

  • To create a community of support for women through online and on snow events.
  • Education for all members to explore ways in which they can create an environment where those that identify as women can thrive.

Here are some of the events, past and present that you can watch or participate in.  I hope you will join us in any way you can to shift the landscape of our organization:

WIS Facebook page:

This page is a way to connect with each other all across the country; promotion of events, recognition of achievements and educational pieces.

WIS Pro Days / Camps:
Go to the Search and Register Button to find a WIS Pro Day in your area.  Also look for the ones that say Teen Night in the comments (after you click in).

WIS 3- or 5-Day Camps - West and East.  A chance to focus on you and your development; be it skiing, teaching, social or psychological growth you are looking for.  A supportive environment to challenge yourself with coaches that may look and ski a little more like you.

Pro Days Camp - Women In Skiing Summit
Mont-Sainte-Anne: January 31 - February 2, 2024

The CSIA WIS Committee is preparing for a three day women’s event like no other!  Come join us at Mont Sainte-Anne Resort in Québec Jan 31st to Feb 2nd for the CSIA WIS Summit, designed to appeal to all certification levels, ages and performance levels.  Connect with and be inspired by your peers, ski with different coaches, refine strengths and try new stuff!

The aim of this event is to offer opportunities for development of our female membership and foster strong social connections within the CSIA to help retain and encourage women.

Cost: $335

Off Snow Event Schedule:

Tuesday, January 30th:   Welcome drinks/ meet and greet with coaches (evening). Welcome package and summit itinerary pick-up

Wednesday, January 31st : Apres with food and activities , Chouette Bar, MSA

Thursday, February 1st:  Banquet with guest speaker, Delta Marriott Hotel

Friday, February 2nd: Morning Coffee and photo on hill at base.


On Snow Event Schedule: 9:00am on snow meeting beside the Snow School building.

Day One: 9:30 am-11:30pm and 12:30pm-3:00pm

Day Two: 9:30 am-11:30am and 12:30pm-3:00pm

Day Three: 8:30 am Coffee/Photo, 9:30am-11:30am and 12:30pm-3:00pm


Home Teams:

Your Team coach will help you set  and build towards your goals for the season. Spend the first 2 mornings and the last afternoon with your Home Team which will be assembled based on level and by how spicy you like it to get out there on snow!


Electives :

We are excited to offer a range of elective sessions for you to participate in during the Summit. These will help you further tailor the camp to your needs and interests and offer opportunities to connect with other members.


Bumps are Awesome!

Mont-Sainte-Anne have some of the best bump skiing in North America. This can be a love/hate relationship for many skiers. Embrace the bumps and spend some quality time in the bump environment honing your skills with a supportive coach.


Synchro Sally’s - Synchro is a really great way to build up your ability to focus on your environment while still performing. Surprise yourself !


All Mountain Mastery- This session is for those who like to explore. For those who like it spicy, our CSIA coaching team will challenge you with Steeps and Trees and the All mountain challenges of the day. For those who like it mellow, this is an opportunity to explore the resort with the support of a coach.


The Need for Speed

Intro to racing. Skiing in controlled environments can really help build technique and understanding. Spend some time with our CSIA coaches building technique for speed. For those who like to be first to the bottom this will be a great opportunity to have some fun and push your limits.


A for Assessment

Would you like to have more confidence in your assessment of skiers? Are you hoping to take your next certification level and would like to work on your teaching? This session will break down assessment and make the process easy while giving ideas and building understanding around common issues.


D is for Development

Would you like to have more confidence in your toolbox for developing skiers? Are you hoping to take your next certification level and would like to work on your teaching? This session will break down the “how’s” and “what’s” of teaching and make the process easy while giving ideas and building understanding around common issues.


Register now!




WIS Talks

The committee is planning to offer approximately one online talk for all members of any gender per month.  Links will be sent by email to all members and promoted on our Facebook page.  Topics typically include gear education, trailblazers in our sport and psycho-educational pieces.

2022 / 23

Information to come

Here is a list of Past WIS Talks Recordings:

Sunday November 1, 2020 - WIS Talk Introduction

Zoom Recording (available to everyone) no passcode : click here

- - -

Tuesday February 10, 2021 - WIS Equipment Talk by Leslie Baker-Brown

Zoom Recording (available to everyone) with passcode MMh0ynS^ : click here

- - -

Wednesday March 24, 2021 - Women of the Demo Team Panel

Presented by the Ontario Committee. Journeys shared of four women who represented Canada at various Interski Events, their training, their motivations and selection to the Team.

Zoom Recording (available to everyone) with passcode *nN2$#8M : click here




Regional Events

*Program Registration. Please note that Registration

closes 7 days prior to the start date. Search and Register.



Atlantic Events

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Members of the Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance – Atlantic (the “CSIA-Atlantic”) will be held on Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Atlantic time. The AGM will be held at the Delta Marriott, Mont-Sainte-Anne, in the Été indien Theatre, 500, Boulevard du Beau Pré, Beaupré, Québec, G0A 1E0.

This year, Members are invited to attend the AGM in person. Member numbers will be checked at the door. The Atlantic Board is also offering participation via Zoom. Registration will be required prior to the meeting.

Click here to register for the Zoom portion of the Annual General Meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Members who are unable to attend the meeting may appoint a proxy holder by completing and returning the Proxy Form. No Member shall be allowed to vote more than 10 proxies except the Chairman of the meeting who shall vote all proxies appointing them as proxy holder.

Click here to access the Proxy Form. Once completed the Proxy should be emailed to, no later than December 1, 2023.

If you have any questions, or should you experience any technical difficulties, please feel free to contact Ms. Lisa Cambise at 1 800 811-6428 ext. 232 or by email at

2022 AGM Meeting Minutes
2023 Audited Financial Statements


Pro Days Camp - Atlantic Convention - Mont-Sainte-Anne - December 9-11, 2023
Launch your season in style with a mix of skiing, learning and social activities!
All-inclusive packages available: $350+tx for 3 days or $250+tx for 2 days.

Social events:
December 8th: Meet & Greet, Registration Check-in, & CSIA Store
December 9th: Atlantic AGM
December 10th: Happy Hour, CSIA Store and Hall of fame banquet dinner, held at the MSA Delta Marriott

Discounted lift tickets available at MSA:
- Group rate lift tickets for Saturday/Sunday/Monday will be available for purchase at the Billetterie (3 day ticket $319.79/daily ticket $113.40)
- You may buy at the Telus Snowsports School with your CSIA discount
- Watch on-line this month for the MSA pre-season event sale on the website – these tickets are non-refundable but are very good rate.


Pro Days offered:

  • Dec 9th
    • Pro Day Level 1
    • Pro Day Level 2
    • Pro Day Level 3
    • Women In Skiing
    • Community Kick-Off Class
  • Dec 10th
    • Pro Day Level 1
    • Pro Day Level 2
    • Pro Day Level 3
    • Women In Skiing
    • Community Kick-Off Class
  • Dec 11th
    • Pro Day Level 1
    • Pro Day Level 2
    • Pro Day Level 3
    • Women In Skiing
    • Community Kick-Off Class

Click here to register


Québec Events


QC Online Workshops: None available currently.




Ontario Events


Online Web Workshops: None available currently.



Central Events

Pro Days Camp - Table Mountain - December 9-10, 2023

Kick-start your season in style with a mix of skiing, learning and social activities! Learn more about the skills framework and the collaborative teaching approach. Pro Days are an extended training experience, always according to your interests and objectives.

The Central Region is subsidizing 50% of the cost, per day, for on-snow activities (regular price $102/day).
Social night on Dec 8th and Central AGM on Dec 9th.
Pro Days offered:
Dec 9

  • Pro Day Level 1
  • Pro Day Level 2

 Dec 10

  • Pro Day Level 1
  • Pro Day Level 2

Register now



Alberta Events


CSIA Alberta Annual General Meeting 2024

Click on the links below to access the 2024 CSIA Alberta Annual General Meeting related documentation.

Board of directors and nominee’s biographies

Minutes of AGM November 19, 2022

Auditor's Report

By-laws with edits

Clean copy of the by-laws


British Columbia Events

2020-2021 CSIA BC Annual General Meeting. Sunday November 22, 2020 at 4:00 PM.

Zoom recording link request: click here

Upcoming BC Events, get more information: click here.




The CSIA provides the following to Snow School Directors at no cost

  • Advertise job postings on the CSIA website (self service in the Admin Area) and official LinkedIn page (optional);
  • Research Payment Status and Certification of your Ski Instructors;
  • Purchase and consult documents related to the Skier Development Programs;
  • Participate in ZOOM Webinars with CSIA Directors and Regional EPC and RAC's to discuss SSD topics;
  • Receive promotional material from CSIA (such as the Affiliate CSIA Snow School Identification Window Sticker);
  • Partake in the CSIA Instructor of the Year Award;

Create an Account for SSD

If your Organization does NOT have a Snow School Directors Account, please contact the CSIA National Office by email at and provide us with the following, so we can create an account for you:

  • Name of Organization
  • Mailing address & physical address if different
  • Website & email address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • Name of contact person for the Organization including their email and phone number


How do I post a job?

Q: How do I find a job as a Ski Instructor in Canada?

Click here to search all jobs by Region.

Q: How do I post a job for my Snow School?

A: As a Director or Snow School Administrator, please log into your Snow School page and select the "Manage Job Postings" button. If you do not have a login name and password, please contact us and provide the following information:

  • Name of Snow School
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • Name of contact person including email and phone number

CSIA Online Learning

Intro to Terrain Park

This E-learning module is the product of a collaboration between ACA and CSIA, and is available exclusively to CSIA Instructors and ACA coaches.

Instructors and coaches will learn through this Intro to Terrain Park module how to create a safe and fun experience for their participants. This course covers: Safety Rules, Park Etiquette, Emergency Action Plan, Park and Features, Risk Assessments, Skill Matching and Teaching in the terrain park (XS and S features only). 

Access to Terrrain park is subject to local resorts and snow schools rules. Please always verify with your employer before proceeding to the park with clients.


For CSIA Single Members


For CSIA-ACA Dual Members



CSIA Resources are provided in the categories listed below.


Programs Documents and Candidate Guides



When logged in Members can access online content.

Video Chanels

Available on the CSIA YouTube and Vimeo channels.

  • CSIA YouTube (Member News, Archives)
  • CSIA Vimeo (New content as of 2020)

Public Documents

Public Policies


Q: How do I find a job as a Ski Instructor in Canada?

Click here to search all jobs by Region.

Q: How do I post a job for my Snow School?

A: As a Director or Snow School Administrator, please log into your Snow School page and select the "Manage Job Postings" button. If you do not have a login name and password, please contact us and provide the following information:

  • Name of Snow School
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • Name of contact person including email and phone number


Please note that only registrations since the 2017-2018 season appear in this section.

Please note that only registrations since the 2017-2018 season appear in this section.

CSIA Membership Card

In an effort to reduce our environmental footprint, in 2020 the CSIA made a decision to forego the plasticized Membership card and keep only the electronic Membership card format (virtual). You can consult your membership card through your CSIA Member profile. Once you are logged in, please follow these steps to view your card:

  • Click on “Member Area” and choose “My Profile”
  • Click on the button: "Download My Membership Card” to view or print your card
  • Click on "Add to Apple Wallet" to add your card to Apple Wallet App on iOS devices including iPhone, iPod and Apple Watch.

Contact the Membership Services department (1-800-811-6428 ext. 221) if you notice errors or have questions related to your card.


Regular Membership

The Regular Membership is for active Ski Instructors who are teaching and/or Members who wish to attend a Certification Program, or Pro Day during the season. Regular Members enjoy a wide-variety of Member Benefits including Pro Deals, General Liability Insurance and Accident, Death and Disability coverage.

Consult the Insurance section below for further information on Insurance. Certain conditions apply.

Cost of Membership varies depending on your status and on how many organizations you are affiliated with. To know the exact amount for your Membership please contact us here at the National Office.


Associate Membership

The Associate Membership is an option for Ski Instructors who are not planning on teaching or taking a Certification Program or Pro Day during the season, but still want to keep their Membership active. By changing your Membership to an Associate Member and paying the annual Membership fees, you will avoid having to pay a reinstatement fee.

For CSIA Members, the Associate Membership will allow you to continue to accrue your years of Membership, towards receiving a Recognition within the organization.

The Associate Member is eligible for the General Liability coverage when skiing on their own personal time; however is not eligible to the Accident, Death and Disability coverage*. Consult the Insurance section below for further information. Certain conditions apply.

Cost of Membership varies depending on your status and on how many organizations you are affiliated with. To know the exact amount for your Membership please contact us here at the National Office.


Affiliate Membership

The Affiliate Membership status is intended for Ski Instructors that have been granted an equivalency for their Foreign Certification. Affiliate Members can also take advantage of our Membership perks such as Pro Deals, Snow School job listings, Insurance Programs*, etc. Consult the complete list of Membership benefits below.

To become an Affiliate Member of the CSIA, Foreign Ski Instructors are required to:

  • Complete the Affiliate Membership Application Form. Qualifications will be taken into consideration upon review of the application to grant an equivalency.
  • Once an equivalency has been granted, the Foreign Instructor can become an Affiliate Member by paying an annual Membership fee of $204.50 CDN plus applicable taxes (for a single CSIA Membership).

Affiliate Members can register for a CSIA Program once the Affiliate Membership fee is paid for that season.

Affiliate Members will be considered Regular Members after successfully completing a CSIA Certification of equal or higher level than the Certification Level granted.

Affiliate Members can also apply for a Ski Instructor's position in one of the Canadian Snow Schools. Please click here to view the current Job Postings. Please note that Working Visas and/or legal papers are not provided by the National Office, but rather through your potential employer.

If you are ready to apply for the 2023-2024 CSIA Affiliate Membership, please click here.

Upon reception of your Affiliate Membership Application and supporting documentation later this fall, we will treat your request and forward you all details by email. Please allow up to 10 business days for us to treat the request. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

*Certain conditions apply.


25, 40, 50 Year Membership

The 25 Year Membership is an exclusive Recognition given to CSIA Members that have paid their Membership fees for 25 consecutive or cumulative years. We also recognize 40 and 50 Year Members, with special certificates and pins.

Members having achieved this Recognition before or during the 2009-2010 season, as explained in the outcome of the April 2009 Special General Assembly communication, were grandfathered and would pay fees at a special rate in future years. These grandfathered members benefit from the same advantages as Regular Members, including Pro Deals, Insurance Coverage*, etc. For more information regarding the outcome of the April 2009 Special General Assembly, please click here.

Names of Members having received these Recognitions are listed below in “Hall of Fame and Recognition”.



Anyone who achieved a CSIA Certification in the past and let their membership lapse, and would like to re-activate it, can apply for Reinstatement by filling out the online Reinstatement Application.

The Reinstatement allows past members to reactivate their CSIA Membership, without having to retake the CSIA Certification(s) previously attended. To do so, you will be required to pay a Reinstatement fee ($118.50), in addition to the current season’s Membership fee and any applicable taxes. Note that Reinstatement fees and Membership fees depends on the number of organizations you are affiliated with and your status with each.

Also, upon Reinstatement, Members may be recommended to participate in a CSIA Recall activity to ensure they are up to date on the current teaching methodologies. For further information on the Recall, please consult the Recall section.

If you are ready to apply for Reinstatement for the 2023-2024 season, please click here.

Upon reception of the Reinstatement Application form, the CSIA National Office will validate and send you all relevant information pertaining to Membership by email. Due to the high demand please allow up to 10 business days for us to treat the request.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

In order to maintain the integrity of the certification, all members are recommended to participate in a recall activity at least once every 3 seasons. CSIA Recall consists of participating in a CSIA Certification Program, CSIA on-snow Course Conductor Training, CSIA Pro Day or a CSIA Pro Session.

It is in the Members’ best interest to keep their Certification up to date as it helps to maintain your Certification’s integrity, especially given the fact that numerous employers do verify the recall year.  

Your CSIA Recall year is displayed on your downloadable Membership Card.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

As a Member of the International Ski Instructors’ Association (ISIA), the CSIA has the authority to issue the ISIA minimum standard international stamp to its Members. The stamp allows for an increased recognition of one's competencies at the International Level. There is no charge for the stamp.

A minimum number of 320 additional hours of Canadian Education is required to reach the ISIA minimum standard. Below are the three mandatory Programs one must have to obtain the stamp:

  • Mandatory: CSIA Level 3 Certification or other Canadian organization Certifications
  • Mandatory: Avalanche Skills Training (AST)
  • Mandatory: Valid First Aid Certification (from a recognized organization such as Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, etc)

The additional hours of training that make up 320 hours of Canadian Education, must be completed through the CSIA or one of the following organizations: ACA/CSCF, CASI, CANSI, CADS, CSGA or CFSA.

Programs including Courses, Exams, and Events will only count once, even if you attended them more than once or had to take the Program again before passing. The reason they are not counted more than once, is because you are reviewing the same information and material and is not to be considered as additional training hours.

Private training programs or Snow School training programs are not eligible. Also note that when referring to Education hours, this means the hours attending Programs, we do not count the amount of hours you have worked at a Snow School.

To submit an application, please click here.

Gold Sponsors

The North Face - TNF offers Pro Program codes to all Members to buy TNF clothing and equipment online. Visit My Pro Deals section in your Member Area to apply. Uniform ski suits are not available for purchase anymore due to limited demand. 

Subaru - Get $750 cash back on your next purchase or lease of a new Subaru vehicule.



Save up to 50% on your next ski equipment deal when you purchase with participating manufacturers in Canada, through our Pro Deals Program.

For details on how the program works consult the Pro Deals section below.



General Liability and Accident, Death and Disability Insurance coverage, as part of your membership.

Travel Insurance program with Securiglobe.



Scholarship Program available to help you reach your next level of Certification. Details.

Visit our YouTube channel and Vimeo channel for training videos (covering both technique and teaching methodology).


CSIA Store

Brand-name CSIA logoed products and accessories are offered exclusively to our Members at special discounted prices. Visit our online CSIA Store.


Stay Informed

Get the latest news through our CSIA communications click here.



Substantial rebates on lodging with Choice Hotels. Preferential rates are offered on your next car rental with National, Alamo and Avis. Codes are available in your Member Area/Pro Deals.



Lift Ticket Discount for Program/Course Candidates: Benefit from reduced lift tickets at participating Resorts. Contact your local Resort in advance to confirm lift ticket details.

Canadian Ski Council Offer. Save up to 34% off ticket window prices at over 80 Canadian Resorts. Buy Lift Passes in packs of 5 directly from the CSC website, no promotional code required.

Mintz: Get a 2 year MINTZ Enhanced (Canadian) Criminal Background Check for $25 as a CSIA Member.

Tax Benefit: The CSIA is an officially recognized federal and provincial educational institution. As such, Members will receive a Tax Deductible Receipt when participating in Programs and select Events.


Pro Deals

How does the Pro Deals Program work?

The CSIA Pro Deals Program is open to all active CSIA Members in good standing.

Each CSIA Member is entitled to 1 (one) set of Pro Deal equipment per season purchased in Canada. Your downloadable Membership Card (from My Profile) is equipped with an image for items that may be purchased through the Pro Deals Program. Your card will be validated at the time of purchase, so please assure that you present your valid Membership card on your smartphone or printed out at the time of purchase, otherwise your order will be refused.

There is no deadline to purchase your equipment (details below). However, stock is limited so first come, first served.


How do I purchase my equipment?

The CSIA Pro Deals Program varies depending on the manufacturer. Some will direct you to their online store and others will provide you with a PDF order form. For those who provide a PDF, you can either place your order directly with the manufacturer or you can present yourself in a participating retailer in Canada with the PDF form and your virtual Membership card.

Unfortunately the CSIA National Office is not provided with a list of the many different retailers across Canada that participate in the Program. We strongly suggest giving your local retailer a call and speak with a Manager to inquire whether or not they participate in the CSIA Pro Deals Program.

Please be friendly and very respectful of the staff at the participating retail store as they are providing CSIA Instructors with a service. If you have clients looking to purchase equipment, recommend the store where you bought your Pro Deal equipment, to return the service.

The CSIA National Office acts as the liaison for the manufacturer. If you have questions regarding products, pricing, etc., please contact the specific manufacturer or a participating retail store that carries the brand of your interest.

Please login to your Member Area/My Pro Deals to view this season’s Pro Deals.

Commercial General Liability (CGL):
Limits of liability:
$10,000,000 limit / $5,000 deductible
Renewal: Feb. 1, 2024

The CGL policy provides coverage for claims against the CSIA for third party bodily injury and third-party property damage.   Coverage also extends to claims against CSIA individual employees, contractors, and volunteers, in addition to the CSIA itself.  The CGL policy will provide coverage for individual members only while they are working directly for the CSIA.   Claims against individual members that relate to activities such as independent teaching (whether individually or for a snow school), coaching or freeskiing, are not covered under this policy (although other coverage is available elsewhere, see below).  

The policy includes a number of coverage extensions, including worldwide territory coverage, providing protection for CSIA personnel travelling internationally. 

Excess Liability Policy – CSIA Members

Limits of liability: $2,000,000 limit / $5,000 deductible

Renewal: Oct. 30, 2024
As a benefit to current members, there is a separate policy in place that provides extended third-party liability coverage.  The policy will top up coverage for members involved in claims while working for a snow school or ski resort, in the event that the employer’s coverage is inadequate.  There is also coverage for members’ freeskiing activities.  The Excess Liability Policy will respond in excess of any other insurance in place at the time of the loss.  For example, this includes employers’ liability insurance – if damages from a claim were to exceed the employer's liability limit, the CSIA Members’s Excess Liability policy would respond.  Also, the policy will respond in excess of members’ homeowner or tenant insurance policies.  If the member has no other insurance available, the CSIA Members Excess Liability policy would respond to defend the claim against the member.  

It is important to note that neither the CGL nor the Excess Liability Policy will provide primary liability coverage for members who choose to do freelance teaching.   They also do not provide coverage for snow schools or their CSIA-certified employees while working for the snow school (with the exception above, where the employer’s liability limit is exhausted).   

Accident, Death and Disability Insurance

The Accident, Death and Disability policy provides benefits in the event of an accident*. All CSIA Members in good standing, under 70 years of age, are eligible to this program. Members are covered when performing the normal and regular duties, which pertain to their occupation as a Ski Instructor and for which they are being remunerated (while under the employment of a Snow School).

*Subject to all restrictions and limitations described in the policy.

This plan also provides Members with insurance while they are travelling directly to or from their residence and the premises of their duties, along a normal or reasonable route, without delay or stop-over. Members are not covered while attending Programs for which they do not receive remuneration from their Employer.

A claim must be submitted as soon as possible, and within the prescribed time frames of each section listed in the policy, if applicable. No claim will be valid after three hundred and sixty-five (365) days following the date of the accident or the beginning of the disability.

Please click here to view the policy in its entirety.

For any questions relating to the General Liability or the Accident, Death and Disability coverage, please contact the National Office at 1-800-811-6428, Ext. 0 or by email at


Travel Insurance Program

Looking to enjoy your skiing experience with peace of mind?

Travel Insurance Program with SecuriGlobe!

SecuriGlobe is Canada’s largest Travel Insurance distributor. They offer a wide range of exclusive Travel Insurance products from 15 of the largest providers in Canada. This enables them to recommend over 300 custom, adapted products, for short-term or long-term trips, for interprovincial or cross-border travel.

We know that the premiums associated with Medical Travel Insurance outside your home province or country can be very pricey and in a lot of cases, come with restrictions pertaining to the profession of Ski Teaching. Regardless, whether you want to enjoy a safari in the Serengeti or not, it is always strongly recommended to purchase the appropriate Travel Insurance.

Compare with over 12 Travel Insurance carriers in a single phone call.

Get coverage that is based on your specific needs at the best competitive rate in the industry.

SecuriGlobe offers:

  • Trip Cancellation and Interruption
  • Medical Expenses up to $5,000,000
  • Non-Medical Package
  • All-Inclusive Package

Their priority is providing you with travel protection that both fits your needs perfectly and provides unparalleled service. Travel with peace of mind knowing you are well protected.

For a quote, please call toll-free 1-877-442-0442 or visit
Please login to your Member Area/My Pro Deals and Promo Codes to access your CSIA Group ID Code.


Hall of Fame

CSIA's National Hall of Fame is dedicated to preserving the history of the organization, inspiring and encouraging the development of young Ski Instructors, and enshrining CSIA Icons and Legends who have made a significant contribution to the growth and well-being of the CSIA on a National scale and to the sport of skiing and ski teaching. The CSIA thanks Mike DesBrisay, Martin Jean and other cherished Members who have contributed to the esteemed process over time. 

Anyone to recommend? Submit a Nomination for the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Members



25 Year Members

40 Year Members

50 Year Members


Quick Access:

Level 1   Tracks   Level 2   Level 3   Trainer   Level 4



CSIA Certification Pathway


Welcome to the Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance! The following is a step by step guide to the CSIA Certification Pathway.


 Pathway Graphic final web 2020 2021 EN


The Pathway includes four Levels of Instructor Certification and a Trainer Designation. The training offered within the Pathway is the perfect way to develop skills and expand knowledge, while practical teaching experience within a Snow School will provide you with the opportunity to implement these skills to truly hone your craft. Real world teaching is exciting, fulfilling and offers invaluable experience as you target new goals.



Level 1 Certification Course or Snow Park Certification Course


You can begin your journey with either a 3 day Level 1 Certification Course or Snow Park Certification Course. Some Snow Schools in Canada also offer a Level 1 Apprentice Development Program offered over a longer term, in conjunction with on-the-job experience.


Level 1 Certification Course description click here.

Level 1 Candidate Guide click here.

Snow Park Certification Course description click here.

Snow Park Certification Candidate Guide click here.



Skiing and Teaching “Tracks”


The Level 2 and Level 3 Programs are offered in Skiing and Teaching “Tracks”.  To acquire the complete Level 2 or Level 3 Certifications, Members must pass both of the related Skiing and Teaching components, however independent development in either of the tracks is also possible.



Level 2 Certification Program


As a Level 1 Certified or Snow Park Certified Ski Instructor, you can take advantage of the Level 2 Certification Program, which is comprised of the following:

Level 2 Skier Development (2 days)

Level 2 Teacher Development (2 days)

Level 2 Exam (2 days – Teaching and Skiing)


Level 2 Certification Program description click here.

Level 2 Candidate Guide click here.



Level 3 Certification Program


As a Level 2 Certified Ski Instructor, consider embarking on the Level 3 Certification Program, which is comprised of the following:

Level 3 Skier Development (3 days)

Level 3 Teacher Development (3 days)

Level 3 Exam (2 days – Teaching and Skiing)


Level 3 Certification Program description click here.

Level 3 Candidate Guide click here.



Trainer Designation


As a Level 3 Certified Ski Instructor, you are encouraged to attain the Trainer Designation which helps build skills valuable in training new Ski Instructors and is a step toward becoming a Level 1 Course Conductor for the CSIA. Please contact your Education Program Coordinator (EPC) for more information, email communication is preferred.

The Trainer Designation is comprised of the following:

Trainer Development (2 days)

Trainer Exam (1 day)

Trainer Development Candidate Guide click here.

Trainer Designation description click here.



Level 4 Certification Program


As a fully certified Level 3 with the Trainer Designation, the highest level of CSIA Certification is within reach. Extensive professional experience inside and outside the Ski Industry are valued and strongly recommended for those embarking on the Level 4 Certification Program which is comprised of the following:

Level 4 Academy Application Submission

Level 4 Academy Selection Camp (2 days)

Level 4 Academy (3 x 4 day Camps, Online components)

Level 4 Academy Exam (2 days)


Level 4 Certification Program description click here.




[ Nomination form under construction ]




Office Hours

The National Office is open from: 8:30am to 4:30pm EST

Monday to Friday: from September to May 
Monday to Thursday: from May to September 

Appointment times in advance are required to visit the National Office during the pandemic. Please call 1-800-811-6428 Ext.0 or email



Telephone: 1-800-811-6428 or 514-748-2648
Fax: 1-800-811-6427 or 514-748-2476



401-8615 Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Montréal, Québec H2P 2M9



Regional Contacts:

Atlantic / Atlantique
Charles Martin -
1-800-811-6428 ext 100

Frédérik Lépine -
1-800-811-6428 ext 107

Kayla Wickens -
1-800-811-6428 ext 102

Central / Centre
Catherine Jordan -
1-800-811-6428 ext 112

Karen Kjorven -
1-800-811-6428 ext 105

Simon Woodward -
1-800-811-6428 ext 108